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MosaicΓÇÖs Mary LangmanΓÇÖs Volunteer Efforts Supports Local Community in Unprecedented Times

July 22, 2021

On July 11, 2021, Saskatchewan became one of the first provinces in Canada to lift many of the Covid-19 restrictions put in place. But flashback to March 2020, when Saskatchewan first felt the effects of the pandemic, communities watched as it quickly spread around the globe, shutting down the economy and putting unprecedented pressure on local healthcare systems.

As personal protection equipment, like masks, flew off the shelves, the World Health Organization called attention to a shortage of face masks due to disruption in the supply chain and high demand. This call to action inspired many to offer their talents and time to fill a pressing need, like Mosaic's Land and Minerals Coordinator, Mary Langman, who stepped up by sewing masks to donate to those in the local community most vulnerable with less access or means to secure PPE.

"Like many, I had no idea what was going to happen and how Covid-19 might impact us. However, sewing and donating masks made me feel like I had some control over Covid and could provide masks to individuals in my community," shares Mary.

No stranger to volunteering paired with skills from teaching sewing classes at the local YWCA, Mary quickly acted, sewing a simple mask pattern that allowed her to complete one mask every 15 minutes.

"The first batch of masks I donated was to the YWCA, then later batches to Carmichael Outreach, Awasiw-A Place of Hope and the North Central Family Centre of Regina," said Mary. "Throughout the pandemic, I have donated approximately 225 masks."

Mary's quick and thoughtful actions to support personal safety during a time when many may not have otherwise been able to access PPE is exactly the reason Mosaic believes recognizing employee efforts, like Mary’s add great value to local communities. Her time and generosity volunteering will now be rewarded through Mosaic's Employee Giving Program, which matches her efforts up to $2,000 per year. 

"I've volunteered for most of my adult life and have always found it to be very rewarding and in some cases an excellent learning experience," said Mary. "Now, with Mosaic's new program, employees have the opportunity to give back to the organizations they are passionate about and be recognized for their work," said Mary.