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Geo Adventures

GeoVenture Program Brings Educators to MosaicΓÇÖs Colonsay Facility

September 16, 2022

After a two year hiatus, we’re back and rock ‘n out in the classroom! The long-standing GeoVenture Teachers Program returned this past summer.
The program, which is part of the Saskatchewan Mining Association’s Education Outreach Program, allows educators a closer look at Mosaic’s potash operations and opportunity to visit mines sites throughout Saskatchewan.
As the world’s leading producer of potash products, Mosaic welcomed participants to its Colonsay facility in August for a tour of the site and a few lessons about the production process. During their time onsite, participants learned about the mining process and potash, including the role it plays in Mosaic’s mission and agriculture as a whole.
Participants geared up, stepped into the cage, and journeyed 1,100 meters into the earth to get a closer look at our equipment, the patterns from laser-guided mining machines and potash conveyor belts. They even got to take home their own potash samples!

“We’re excited to have the GeoVenture Teachers Program back up and running and share with teachers a first-hand look at the mining industry and the essential operations happening underneath our feet everyday,” said Pam Schwann, SMA President. “Teachers play such an important role preparing students for the world outside the classroom and we hope this program will help give them a unique insight for lessons in it.” 
For more than 35 years, the GeoVenture Teachers Program has developed over 700 educator-ambassadors for Saskatchewan's mineral sector. As an engaged neighbor, we are honored to play a part in helping to cultivate a positive awareness of Saskatchewan’s potash contribution to the community sector for residents of all ages.